Upgrade Fedory
Autor: Lore
Nástroj na správu softwaru
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Upgrade Fedory Core z verze 3 na vezi 4
Díky nástroje pro správu balíku yum můžeme upgradovat celý náš systém na novou verzi za běhu a vzdáleně.
1. Download and install the Fedora Core 4 version of fedora-release from one of the Fedora Core mirrors.
2. Disable third-party yum repositories, if applicable.
In my configuration, I had the Dag, FreshRPMs, and Dries third-party yum repositories enabled. As of 06/15/05, only the Dries repository caused an error message (i.e. it had not been updated with Fedora Core 4 packages or it did not have a Fedora Core 4 directory structure) so I will only disable that repository.
- echo "enabled=0" >> /etc/yum.repos.d/dries.repo
3. When upgrading to Fedora Core 4, the kernel must be upgraded before the rest of the packages.
- yum -y update kernel
Otherwise, you may receive the following error message:
--> Running transaction check --> Processing Dependency: kernel-utils for package: kernel --> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Missing Dependency: kernel-utils is needed by package kernel
4. Disable SELinux, if applicable, and reboot the system to begin using the Fedora Core 4 kernel. I ran into significant problems after this reboot when SELinux was enabled.
To disable SELinux:
- vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
Change: SELINUX=enforcing -- or -- SELINUX=permissive
To: SELINUX=disabled
- reboot
5. Remove the Fedora Core 3 kernel(s) to prevent the aforementioned kernel-utils package dependency error.
- yum remove kernel-2.6.11\*FC3\*
6. Continue the upgrade to Fedora Core 4.
- yum -y upgrade
Note: if you receive the following error, import the RPM-GPG-KEY.
warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID db42a60e public key not available for caching-nameserver-7.3-3.noarch.rpm
- rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY
7. Reboot the system to begin using Fedora Core 4.
8. If applicable, re-enable SELinux by undoing the changes above, and reboot the system to use SELinux.